Sunshine Acres

A Seasonal Campground on Lovell Lake

sunshine acres campground in the heart of nh

Sunshine Acres, the Cyr's invite you to come and experience the splendors of New Hampshire lake life on Lovell Lake. Established in the 1950's, our secluded back camp road, Brackett Road, led to traditional family vacations of fishing, swimming, and tenting. Hiking in the woods, looking for salamanders in the brook, canoeing and swimming - campers simply fell in love with Lovell Lake.

Previous owners, Terry & Irene Martell, and their two daughters went out for a picnic and came to visit friends one summer day in 1972 and never left. They rented a campsite and moved a trailer in and spent fifty out of fifty-two weekends a year taking advantage of all the area had to offer.

In the early 80's “Shady Acres” came up for sale and “Sunshine Acres” was born. Terry and Irene proudly harvested their parcel of land into thriving family run establishments: Sunshine Acres Campground, Marjen Construction Co., Inc., and M & M Boat Storage.

Now in 2019, Terry and Irene’s youngest daughter, Bonnie, and her husband Jon own and manage Sunshine Acres Campground, and M & M Boat Storage. Jon and Bonnie enjoy starting new traditions with the campers and their families as well as keeping old traditions alive.

Jon and Bonnie along side their 3 children and grandchildren have shared the amazement and peacefulness of New Hampshire lake life with 70 plus other families who relax and enjoy the campground's 5000 square foot sites. While Jon loves the campfires and stories, Bonnie loves the families and watching the families' generations carry on the laughter and natural simplicity of camping.



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